Uninsured / Underinsured Accidents
While car accidents on their own are already an unpleasant experience, getting into an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver can be a nightmare. In a recent study, it was found that around 28 million American drivers were uninsured, leaving them to cover their own damages or medical bills in the event of a car accident.
If you ever find yourself involved in an uninsured or underinsured car accident, be sure to reach out to Craig J. Concannon.
How to Deal with Uninsured / Underinsured Accidents
An uninsured accident is when a person gets involved in a car accident with someone who doesn’t have the required minimum liability insurance. While an underinsured accident means the other party doesn’t have enough coverage to pay for your expenses. So, what do you do in cases like this?
According to Missouri state law, every insurance policy is required to include uninsured motorist coverage. This is to help those injured by an uninsured motorist get the coverage they deserve. Under this coverage, the insurer is expected to pay for both your personal property damage and bodily damage.
Protect Your Rights with Craig J. Concannon
Despite the law supporting uninsured motorist coverage, insurance companies may try to avoid paying the full amount or not cover the damages at all. That’s why it’s necessary to contact an attorney who’s experienced in accident law and is capable of protecting your rights and ensuring you receive full compensation for your injuries and damages.
Call Craig J. Concannon, P.C. to get started. Whether the other party is uninsured and can’t compensate you or the damages you’re facing exceed their insurance limits, we’ll conduct a thorough investigation and find a way to get you the revenue you deserve.