Amputations & Disfigurements From Traffic Accidents
Getting into a car accident can be a traumatic event on its own. Many victims end up with mild burns, scars and lacerations, broken bones, and more. But what if an accident leaves you so severely injured that you end up losing a limb?
Amputations and disfigurement injuries are irreversible, devastating, and life-changing injuries. Since they’re so complicated and drastic, they often require settlements significant enough to cover personal loss, emotional and physical pain and suffering, medical bills, and more.
If you’ve been involved in a traffic accident that resulted in amputation and disfigurement injuries, get in touch with Craig J. Concannon, P.C. Our highly qualified attorneys will help you get sufficient compensation.
Get Your Rightful Compensation
Disfigurement and amputation cases are typically quite complex since they involve the loss of one’s body part and sometimes even their livelihood. Many victims will require immediate emergency treatment, physical therapy, and frequent checkups. Others might require expensive plastic surgery or scar removal surgery. However, some insurance policies won’t cover these procedures as they’re considered cosmetic.
This is where having an experienced attorney is beneficial. At Craig J. Concannon, P.C., we care about getting our clients the compensation they deserve. We work to ensure you get the revenue you need to cover medical treatments, loss of livelihood, and more.